Friday, 6 May 2016


The Van Hiele Theory is five sequential levels of learning specifically related to geometry. The first three of these relate to primary education:

  • During the first stage (recognition) shapes are viewed holistically and language is informal. The focus is on recognising shapes rather than attributes and locating these shapes in the students environment. 
  • The second stage is called analysis. This is where attributes are labeled and descriptions for shapes are produced. 
  • Ordering is where relationships between attributes and shapes are formed. This comes directly from experiences with concrete materials and justification is required for any statements made by the students. 
This is important to note as a teacher because each stage requires concrete materials and a logical progression through the mathematical language model. The theory also highlights the links to number which will be discussed further in the thinking strategies. 


The general concept for geometry is that it is the study of shape, space and measurement. One way to introduce this to students is looking at concrete shapes in their environment around them, such as walking around the school and seeing what shapes we can find (e.g. windows look like squares, benches look like rectangles, the handles on the monkey bars look like triangles and the drum in music corner looks like a circle). To start an activity like this an introduction video of finding shapes in our environment (such as the one below) may be helpful.   
Video: Shapes all around us song

There are five skills involved with geometry:
        Students must understand the shape. For example, what is a circle? What are its attributes? What makes a circle different from a square? What are its critical attributes?

Students should be encouraged to talk and write about shapes and patterns and to describe figures and relationships as accurately as possible via games and problem solving activities.

Drawing and modeling
           Sketching, scale drawing and modelling 2D and 3D shapes.

Thinking and reasoning
           Includes logical skills such as classifying, analysing and seeking similarities and                    differences, reasoning and synthesising.

Applying geometric concepts & knowledge
            Students are able to apply geometric concepts and knowledge to other mathematical             areas (such as measurement) and reality. 

Strategies involved with geometry involve re-purposing the concepts learnt during pre-number and early number. These included:

  1. Determining attributes
  2. Matching by attributes
  3. Sorting by attributes
  4. Comparing attributes
  5. Ordering attributes
  6. Patterning
For more information on these concepts click here.

    The language model is used to display the relationship between the visual, verbal and symbolic elements of mathematics and forms 'stages' of learning. 

    Student language - During student language, all language used should be familiar to the child and accompanied with familiar objects. 

    Materials language - At this stage, there is still no introduction of mathematical terms. The language is very similar to student language however the visuals used have become more abstract. 

    Mathematics language - Moving away from 'stories', this stage introduces mathematical terms. 

    Symbolic language - This stage introduces symbols. 


    One misconception is that some objects that are particularly flat (such as an A4 sheet of paper) are referred to as a plane shape. This is incorrect because even though it has very little width, it is still there. A child with this misconception many need more work discussing what makes a 3D (or solid) shape. I would do this by comparing a sheet of paper with a rectangular prism, and a drawn rectangle. I would ask the student to point at a solid shape and then point at a plane shape. Then we would discuss the difference between them and then, again, ask which shapes are solid and which shapes are plane. I would repeat this process with a variety of shapes. 

    Geometry is first introduced in the foundation year.
    Strand: Measurement and Geometry
    Substrand: Shape
    Content descriptionsSort, describe and name familiar two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional objects in the environment
    • sorting and describing squares, circles, triangles, rectangles, spheres and cubes
    Scootle resource ideas:
    1. STOP! that's an octagon is a short video about finding octagons in the environment, when an octagon is found (in a stop sign) the attributes are discussed in order to justify the shape. 
    2. Learn to draw shapes with ziggy is a rap about line shapes. 
    3. Shape overlays - Find and cut is an online game that requires students to cut one shape in order to create another.

    1. Maths Learning centre released a Geoboard app that allows students to create shapes digitally - this removes the possibility of bands breaking or students flinging rubber bands across the room.
    2. Complete the shape is online game that allows students to place shapes together to create a new shape. 
    3. Kids educational games has a game called Basic 2D and 3D Shapes. It is an interactive explanation of the most common 2D and 3D shapes.

    • Starts in the foundation year
    • Geometry is a natural site for including other skills, such as following directing and reasoning about shapes and their properties
    • Geometry, together with measurement is one of the three essential contents strands of the Australian Curriculum
    • Understanding the properties or attributes of objects and the relationships among different geometric objects is an important part of primary mathematics
    • It is important to start the exploration with familiar 3D shapes such as balls and blocks as this provides the students with familiarity while providing the students with differences (such as a ball can role but a block can't, a ball has a curved surface and a block has a flat surface)
    • Children need to describe and sort 3D shapes by their properties, such as by corners, edges or can roll/can't roll
    • One difficult students have with 3D shapes is visualising the solids, it is essential to have models of these solids
    • Students first recognise shapes in a holistic manner. If the student is only shown right angle triangles, that will be the only shape they will recognise as a triangle, if they are only shown green triangles, when asked to draw a triangle it will be coloured green
    • Another part of geometry deals with location, movement, maps and plans which describe direction, distance and position. This includes positional language (Reys, Lindquist, Lambdin, Smith, Rogers, & Falle, et al., 2012)
    ACU,. (2016). Learning Environment Retrieved 3 March 2016, from

    Australia, E. (2016). Home - Retrieved 3 April 2016, from

    Australian government,. (2016). Home - The Australian Curriculum Retrieved 3 April 2016, from

    Reys, Lindquist, Lambdin, Smith, Rogers, & Falle, et al. (2012). Helping children learn mathematics. Milton, QLD: John Wiley & Sons.

    YouTube. (2016). Retrieved 3 April 2016, from

    Friday, 29 April 2016


    The teaching sequence for measurement involves four steps that is based off the language model. 

    In the first step, the attribute (or concept) is identified. It is a teacher's first duty to ensure that the students understand the attribute they are measuring. The students experiences will help develop this understanding by creating a mental picture for each of the concepts.

    The next step involves choosing an appropriate standard of measurement. This begins with arbitrary units such as blocks, paddle pop sticks, pens, shoes, etc. Once the students have recognised that arbitrary units such as the ones mentioned do not provide us with a universal answer, standardised units using measurement technology (such as a ruler or tape measure) can be introduced. 

    Thirdly, the object is measured in the chosen units (arbitrary or standardised). In this stage number concepts such as counting, comparing, ordering and sequencing is used to distinguish between objects using descriptions such as taller, smaller, thinner and wider. 

    The final step is to record the number of units. In accordance to the Australian curriculum, this data should be represented with numbers, pictures and graphs. 

    As a teacher, this means that I must use this sequence when introducing each measurement concept to ensure the students have a deep understanding of the concept, the skills and materials that can be used to find the measurement - both standardised and arbitrary. 

    There are 6 concepts that fall under measurement. These concepts include:

    1. 1. Length
    2. 2. Perimeter
    3. 3. Area (involves geometry)
    4. 4. Mass
    5. 5. Capacity/Volume
    6. 6. Time
    For this section, length will be dissected and explored further. 
    Link: Measuring Length PDF

    The general concept for measurement is counting units. This concept can be introduced through a story, Maths for Kids: Measurement "How do you measure up?" is an interactive story that explores all the things you can measure. This story also introduces measurement technologies such as scales, stop watches, tape measures, thermometers, etc and the real world situations where these technologies would be used. 

     Video: Maths for Kids: Measurement "How do you measure up?"

    The skill for measurement is the ability to count the appropriate number of units in order to find a measurement. For length, this may be finding how many paperclips long a pencil is (such as in the video below). 

    Strategies involved with length is understanding how to find the length with different units - both arbitrary and standardised. This will develop as the skills develop. 

    The language model is used to display the relationship between the visual, verbal and symbolic elements of mathematics and forms 'stages' of learning. 

    Student language - During student language, all language used should be familiar to the child and accompanied with familiar objects. 

    Materials language - At this stage, there is still no introduction of mathematical terms. The language is very similar to student language however the visuals used have become more abstract. 

    Mathematics language - Moving away from 'stories', this stage introduces mathematical terms. 

    Symbolic language - This stage introduces symbols. 


    One misconception students may have is understanding that to find the length of an object, they need to use the same units. Particularly with arbitrary units, students may think that as long as it is the same 'kind' of unit, it is ok rather than the same sized unit. for example, a student might measure a pencil with paper clips, however not all the paperclips are the same size. 
    To remedy this situation, I would have a "competition". For the competition, I would split the class up into small teams and encourage team work by allowing the students to choose their team name. I would then provide each team with a pencil and some paper clips (Each team will have the same size pencil but there will be two sizes of paper clips, some teams will get all large paperclips, some teams will get all small paperclips and some teams will get a random combination of large and small paperclips). The students will be told that the competition is to find out how many paperclips long the pencil is. Once each team has their answer, all results are written on the board. This then give the class opportunities to explore why some teams had the same result and why others had different results. This could turn into an investigation. 

    Measurement is first introduced in the foundation year.
    Strand: Measurement and Geometry
    Substrand: Using units of measurement
    Content descriptions: Use direct and indirect comparisons to decide which is longer, heavier or holds more, and explain reasoning in everyday language
    • comparing objects directly, by placing one object against another to determine which is longer or by pouring from one container into the other to see which one holds more
    • using suitable language associated with measurement attributes, such as ‘tall’ and ‘taller’, ‘heavy’ and ‘heavier’, ‘holds more’ and ‘holds less’
    Scootle resource ideas:
    1. Which container holds more magic rocks? is a short video on capacity. 
    2. What can be measured? is a video that talks about all the things that can be measured using arbitrary measurements.
    3. .Who is taller? Which is longer? is a short video that talks about length and the key descriptions: taller, shorter and longer. 

    1. Sid the Science Kid - Measurement is a video that discusses measuring with a ruler.
    2. Sesame Street - Measure That Animal is an online game that measures animals in a zoo using familiar, arbitrary units such as hats or crayons. 

    • Measurement starts in the foundation year
    • Measurement is the topic from the primary mathematics curriculum that is used the most directly in students' daily lives
    • Measurement, together with geometry, is one of the three content strands in the Australian curriculum
    • Measurement is one of the ten standards in the Principles and standards for school mathematics
    • Measurement can also assist students with other areas of mathematics, for example, the number line is based on length
    • Measurement is also used in other subjects such as art, music, science, history, geography and the language arts
    • Wilson and Osborne gave the following recommendations in 1988:
      • Children must measure frequently and often, preferably on real problems rather than on textbook exercises 
      • Children must develop estimation skills with measurement in order to to develop common referents and as an early application of number sense
      • Children should encounter activity-orientated measurement situations by doing and experimenting rather than by passively observing. The activities should encourage discussion to stimulate the refinement and testing of ideas and concepts
      • Instructional planning should emphasise the important ideas of measurement that transfer or work across measurement systems
    • The measure with understanding, children should know what attribute they are measuring
    • Formulae for perimeter, area, volume and surface area are usually introduced in the upper primary years. Although formulae are necessary in many measurement situations, they should not take the place of careful development of measurement attributes and the measuring process. The skill of formulae should be developed, but not at the expense of helping students build meaning for the formulae. 
    • Esitmating is very important in the development of measurment - it helps to reinforce the size of units and the relationship between units as well as being a practical application
    • Activities involving two attributes can help children see how the attributes are related or how one attribute does not depend on another (Reys, Lindquist, Lambdin, Smith, Rogers, & Falle, et al., 2012)
    ACU,. (2016). Learning Environment Retrieved 3 March 2016, from

    Australia, E. (2016). Home - Retrieved 3 April 2016, from

    Australian government,. (2016). Home - The Australian Curriculum Retrieved 3 April 2016, from

    Reys, Lindquist, Lambdin, Smith, Rogers, & Falle, et al. (2012). Helping children learn mathematics. Milton, QLD: John Wiley & Sons.

    YouTube. (2016). Retrieved 3 April 2016, from

    Friday, 22 April 2016


    Contradictory to the opinions of many, algebra is much simpler than most people perceive. As a follow on from pre-number (discussed in week 5), algebra simply describes the relationship of a pattern. As mathematics is based on a language of pattern and order, this begins at the very beginning. 
      Helping children learn mathematics (2012) discusses this on page 367 where it states: 
      "The powers necessary for algebraic thinking are being used by children as soon as they leave the womb. The babbling of babies in their cribs is not only the foundation for language but can be interpreted as mathematical (algebraic) terms such as associativity through their pauses or ordering of sounds. The contention here is that arithmetic is not the necessary precursor to algebra, but that both may be most effectively developed together. The development of cognition moving from physical experience to the remembered or imagined  to the symbolised as words or arcane mathematical symbols is a very natural, intuitive progression. Thus, the power of the very young as they engage with these natural activities can be harnessed by 'encouraging students to express perceived generalities, relationships, connections, properties, and so on" 
      This means, as a teacher I need to provide my students with many opportunities to utilise algebraic skills, including:
      1.      Recognising the pattern
      2.      Describing the pattern
      3.      Repeating or copying the pattern (A student needs to see the relationships to do this)
      4.      Growing, extending or continuing a pattern
      5.      Replacing missing elements of the pattern

      6.      Translating the pattern 

      There are 3 concepts that fall under algebra. These concepts include:
      1.      Patterns and functions
      2.      Equivalence and equations

      3.      Patterns, sequences and generalisations

      The general concept for algebra is a statement of a relationship in a pattern. This can be introduced very simply through a game of 'Echo' (also known as Copy Cats) where a pattern is created using voice repetition - for example, the teacher will say "red, blue", student 1 will repeat "red, blue", student two will then say "red, blue" and so on. In this game, children learn patterns as well as repeated sequences. 

      The skill is being able to determine what’s missing in a pattern. This skill can be practiced by growing a pattern, creating a pattern or stating the relationship between the elements of a pattern. This can be practiced with the 'Echo' game as mentioned above or through other activities suck as using concrete objects such as blocks, draw or paint patterns on large sheets of paper or digitally using computer games or iPad apps. Another interesting method of practicing patterns is using music and rhythm based games such as the activity in the video provided. 

      The strategies for algebra directly relate to the thinking strategies involved with the pre-number concepts covered in week 5 as pre-number concepts provide the prerequisite knowledge to commence a study of number – which is based on a language of pattern and order. These concepts were:
      1. Determining attributes
      2. Matching by attributes
      3. Sorting by attributes
      4. Comparing attributes
      5. Ordering attributes
      6. Patterning

      The language model is used to display the relationship between the visual, verbal and symbolic elements of mathematics and forms 'stages' of learning. 

      Student language - During student language, all language used should be familiar to the child and accompanied with familiar objects. 

      Materials language - At this stage, there is still no introduction of mathematical terms. The language is very similar to student language however the visuals used have become more abstract. 

      Mathematics language - Moving away from 'stories', this stage introduces mathematical terms. 

      Symbolic language - This stage introduces symbols. 


      One misconception students may have is seeing the pattern as a block that is being repeated rather than individual elements. For example, in the pattern ABBCABBC, the student will recognise the sequence being repeated is ABBC however the student will not see each letter as individuals. This means that the student will not have the ability to replace missing elements in the pattern, for example AB_C. To remedy this, I would do an activity using a story. This story would be accompanied with concrete materials - such as blocks. An example story is:
      Once upon a time there was a train with lots of carriages. The carriages had a special order, it was: red, blue, red, blue red, blue. One day a big gush of wind came along and blew off some of the carriages and now its our job to put it in the right order again. 
      Whilst saying the story, I would visually demonstrate it using the concrete materials, then the student can place the 'carriages' back where they go in the pattern and we can begin again with an increasingly difficult pattern. 

      Algebra is first introduced in the foundation year.
      Strand: Number and Algebra
      Substrand: Patterns and Algebra
      Content descriptions: Sort and classify familiar objects and explain the basis for these classifications. Copy, continue and create patterns with objects and drawings
      • observing natural patterns in the world around us
      • creating and describing patterns using materials, sounds, movements or drawings
      Scootle resource ideas:
      1. Cake time is a two minute video that can be used to introduce creating patterns as well as replacing missing elements. 
      2. Monster Choir: Look and listen is one of three apps in a series that focuses on patterns. This app addresses recognising, repeating, extending and translating patterns. 

      1. Pattern worms use a pipe cleaner and coloured beads to allow young children to create their own patterns. 
      2. The felt icecream cone board allows students to copy patterns

      • An algebraic perspective can enrich the teaching of number in the middle and later primary years, and the integration of number and algebra ... can give meaning to the study of algebra in the secondary years. 
      • Children can learn the language and symbols associated with algebra as they are learning about numbers. 
      • The australian curriculum calls for students to use mathematical models to represent and understand quantitative relationships, to represent and analyse mathematical situations and structures using algebraic symbols, and to analyse change in various contexts. 
      • Recording of equations during routine problems can become more algebraic as the students become more comfortable with the concepts by rather than drawing the object, drawing a symbol to represent the object. For example, a rectangle rather than a drawing of a truck (Reys, Lindquist, Lambdin, Smith, Rogers, & Falle, et al., 2012). 
      ACU,. (2016). Learning Environment Retrieved 3 March 2016, from

      Australia, E. (2016). Home - Retrieved 3 April 2016, from

      Australian government,. (2016). Home - The Australian Curriculum Retrieved 3 April 2016, from

      Reys, Lindquist, Lambdin, Smith, Rogers, & Falle, et al. (2012). Helping children learn mathematics. Milton, QLD: John Wiley & Sons.

      YouTube. (2016). Retrieved 3 April 2016, from